About NRMD

ABOUT NRMDSeamless Development Flow
rTR=reverse translational research


POINT 01Operated as a public-private sector collaboration, the NRMD supports the safe, steady, and speedy development of regenerative medicine.
Revision to the authorization system for regenerative medicine products
NRMD is an integrated public-private sector database developed jointly with PMDA and operated with the cooperation of The Japanese Association of Medical Sciences. The Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act (PMD Act) enacted in November 2014 revised the authorization system for regenerative medical and related products in order to achieve rapid practical application. Under this system, the efficacy of regenerative medical or related products is estimated and if their safety is recognized, products are granted special, rapid authorization with conditions and a time limit attached (conditional/time-limited authorization), widening the possibility for accelerated practical application.
MHLW advocates R&D models that utilize NRMD
(PSEHB/PSD Notification No. 0928-1, September 28, 2017)

POINT 02NRMDは、臨床研究と製造販売後調査等のための法規制要件や実施基準を満たす高品質なシステムを提供します。
Incompatible standards leading to divide between industry and academia
Japan's PMD Act and related laws require clinical data for pharmaceutical applications related to regenerative medicine and related products to comply with Good Post-marketing Study Practice (GPSP) and other standards. However, most public registries are not compatible with these standards, disqualifying a large amount of clinical data from being used in pharmaceutical applications. This has created a division between academia and industry, meaning that data gathered through academic endeavours is only used for academic purposes.
Compliant with Japanese/U.S./European regulatory requirements and practical standards
The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine Database Committee aims to further develop and improve the NRMD based on user feedback. We welcome any inquiries or opinions - if you wish to use the database or have any questions, please contact us.